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Everything posted by SuzukiBoy2

  1. Sorry I'm late on this. Thats a brilliant write up. Thank you so much.
  2. Hi John, Yes I (now) know a bit more. Many manufacturers adopted it early. It is now mandatory. BMW adopted it with all 2018 diesel models onwards.
  3. Interesting. I belong to a BMW meet and greet club here in the UK. I made a big point about this when we last met. Each and every diesel car had soot (in varying degrees) in their tail pipe. PS Just noticed what you say re: DPF. Most I know have had them removed (£1,000 fine in UK). They are, for some reason, the one's that smoke. I believe mpg is better BUT performance is unaffected despite dealer claims.
  4. No, sorry guys. Select what you are going to do in IDrive - just hover above the selection, don't click on it. Now go to one of the buttons I have highlighted. Hold the number you wish to assign as a shortcut. You will get an OK (or something like that). So say you assign number 1 as your home setting on satnav, simply press button 1 as shortcut. I'm not sure how this works in earlier versions. My model is 2016. I'v set all the numbers up to different things. It is helpful. Hope this helps. If not, I will try and take some pics.
  5. Thanks Dave. Yes, agree will need to be very careful. I have come across Rim Protectors. They are fixed in place with glue and, of course, are an issue when tyres are replaced.
  6. I did check this out with BMW themselves. I'm assured wheels and tyre sizes are correct. So why does the rim stick out so far making it so easy to kerb?
  7. OK have approved the post. Pop over and say hello when you get a chance: https://www.bimmerownersclub.com/forums/forum/2-new-members-welcome Lovely car BTW
  8. Interesting post here. Yes, I get that are selling something: https://blog.amsoil.com/what-is-cetane-and-why-does-it-matter I have used the following since I bought the car almost 2 years ago. Absoluetly no smoke and my tail pipes are completely clean. No black soot or anything. They are just silver coloured the way they were made. It cleans and also increases Cetane levels. Don't OD since too much Ceatne is not good! On my last MOT the guy (who I know) said that my emissions were very low for a diesel. Happy Days.
  9. Is this a problem you are suffering? What is meant by Sept.21, 2010?
  10. I picked this up from a friend recently. Certain settings in IDrive, which you use a lot, (for me) like home on SatNav, Tyre Pressure monitoring and existing destinations in SatNav + Sports settings can all be saved as shortcuts. Just hold the appropiate button down until you get the OK.
  11. Hi Martin, These are worth a look. Have used them a few times. Some nice stuff they have: https://www.mlperformance.co.uk
  12. Been watching this thread....So are new Euro 5? 6? petrol engines subject to the similar diesel DPF issues? Sounds the same to me, in which case, short runs in a petrol driven car will suffer the same effects as a diesel? My word, those that rule, are really trying to bugger up car lovers enjoyment. I'm 60 next year and looking to buy my final car. It will almost certainly be an older one not subject to this current restrictive crap we suffer.
  13. Welcome Kev. My wife has a fistfull of dollars and is waiting to change her car. I wouldn't let her buy online without a road test and check over. Seems you have been lucky and car is all good. Happy BMW motoring....
  14. As Dave said, you need to have that option in the first place before they will fold. It's an optional extra from new. BTW, they are door mirrors. Wing mirrors went out with the ark 🙂
  15. I didn't realise BMW used ADBlue. Thought it was a VW thing, I the found this: https://www.google.com/search?q=BMW+520d+GT+adblue+warning+light+but+tank+NOT+empty&client=firefox-b-d&ei=23BnYMGiLoWdkwXR5qeIAg&oq=BMW+520d+GT+adblue+warning+light+but+tank+NOT+empty&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAghEBU6BwgAEEcQsAM6BQghEKABOgcIIRAKEKABUPttWImaAWDxoQFoAXACeACAAfQBiAHNEJIBBjAuMTQuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiB_NSOpuDvAhWFzqQKHVHzCSEQ4dUDCAw&uact=5 Some reading but a lot of help there, nonetheless.
  16. Stephen, I hear what you say but, to be honest, its not a particuarly "special" car. Glasses Guide has it, in first class condition, and at 100k - at around £4,995 retail. There's one here, and lots more on AutoTrader: https://www.desperateseller.co.uk/cars-for-sale/advert/440867/122442?utm_source=newsnow
  17. No, I don't think Series 3 would fit. There's quite a few on the River: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=bmw+2+series+wind+deflector&adgrpid=69087906131&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhLejgOLJ7wIVhe3tCh11cwCzEAAYASAAEgIQdvD_BwE&hvadid=318222141736&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9041117&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17731083986088071699&hvtargid=kwd-362912736218&hydadcr=7072_1811160&tag=googhydr-21&ref=pd_sl_2e999wxfdp_e Most are Chinese and seemingly of poor quality. This is a general Google search. Quite a few bits to have a look at: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wind+deflector+bmw+2+series&source=hp&ei=2qFbYPfCFNO7lwSqzbvIAQ&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYFuv6pShn9ePB5UGAFePfPlYQ78Sog83&oq=wind+deflectors+bmw+2+series&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB5QkTZYkTZgp0NoAHAAeACAAUCIAUCSAQExmAEAoAECoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=gws-wiz
  18. I feel for you, I really do. Apologies for my abscence of late BTW (long story). I keep all our keys in, as Dave says, Farady boxes/bags. Is there a CD changer hidden behind panels? Sorry, just searching for ideas. Were any fuses removed? That may mean they intend to come back for more. Hope you manage to resolve ASAP. Hide those keys away BTW.
  19. Thanks Dave. Much appreciated.
  20. Only recently saw the program. Ant was mechanic. Pretty sure is was an M3 (E46??)
  21. So Dave, do you physically fit battery first then register? Is there a way to register without using an app?
  22. There's a few out there: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=M140i+induction+kit&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqlrCqgpzvAhVC1BoKHWUDDlUQ1QIwFnoECBoQAQ&biw=1920&bih=976 This firm has a good reputation. I've used them a few times. Note the pop up to join mailing list. Do so, and they will offer a discount code. You can always "unsubscribe" later: https://www.mlperformance.co.uk/products/agency-power-bmw-b58-ram-air-intake-m140i-m240i
  23. My dad had a 1600E MK2 Cortina. Always kept it so clean. He died when I was 14 and at the time we lived in Wales. My mum wanted to come back to her family so we moved. We left that car in the garage. I pleaded with mum to try and sell it but she just said it wasn't worth much!.....Funny thing is I can still remember the reg no. KBL 820D
  24. I use BimmerCode a lot and that won't do it either. Is there a really simple way?
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