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Greydog last won the day on February 3

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    X5 E70 3.0d
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  1. This happened recently while travelling at around 70 on a dual carriageway, quite disconcerting Hazards on get across to the near side stop Key out Key in car starts and runs normally for the rest of the day. At home plug in the Diagnostics and find Nothing ?? the issue didn't go away randomly the engine would cut out but no codes stored. Found a post on another Forum that detailed the symptoms could be 1.Crank Sensor 2. Injector 5 fail through water ingress 3. Fuel Filter or fuel pump issues. My problem was not finding any codes to give a clue as to just where the problem was. Then I took the car for a drive with diagnostics plugged in and Live Data running Hey Presto a code for Injector 5 recorded when the engine cut out So a set of Injectors ordered along with Glowplugs and Inlet Manifold gaskets (family is on bread and dripping) 🤣
  2. Doesn't rule out an internal short on the shark fin though
  3. Morning Sean Welcome to the Forum I take it your car has LED adaptive lights ? On the side of the headlamp is the LED control unit which is removable/changeable I have read that this would be a fix A new headlamp will certainly not be cheap particularly from BMW (not sure if they will sell just the control unit) Try Googling BMW Recyclers Quarry Motors are one I have used in the past always been helpful If you are not aware take a look at www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of yor Vin into the search box it will call up your model then look in the relavant section. That way you should get the correct part number (double click the part number and you will get a list of other models/years your parts were used on) Dave
  4. Just had a mail from a BMW contact in the USA apparently he has seen this on X5's the BMW approach. CAUSE Found water leaking into headliner on top of the telematics control unit CORRECTION Replace shark fin, antenna, telematics control unit, battery and program Hope this helps
  5. Morning A short to ground would be a wiring fault or an internal fault in the Shark Fin Tried disconnecting each plug in turn to see if the short disappears that should point to the faulty connection if it doesn't then it is probably inside the shark Fin Dave All my contacts are still scratching their heads still
  6. Hi John Welcome to the Forum Never come across this before it will be interesting to know the solution That is assuming BMW will tell you 😅 Dave
  7. Morning Robert Welcome to the Forum 😂😂 I do hope that whoever told you that has a twisted sense of Humour If your windscreen is in good condition (ie. No cracks, deep scratches, scores and chips that obscure the drivers vision = MOT Fail) So assuming your screen is OK read this Jenksy who has a 6 series has just posted on the fix for the same problem. ""Hi all, I got the adhesive that was recommended in a you tube video with instructions, it was from Permatex. I had to ensure I removed the old adhesive from the silver disk first which took some doing but needed a sharp knife and a razor blade to lift it all. There was no adhesive debris on the wind screen. To fix I then used a wipe supplied in the kit and used a small amount of the adhesive also supplied. The bond took less than a minute. You do need to be sure of the location as the bond is very quick so ensure you can locate the mirror accurately otherwise it is going to get messy. N.B. I had to remove the two connectors to ensure the mirror could be located properly. It was a little fiddly getting them out but went back once mirror was fixed to the windscreen. A good experience though for me and mirror is back on with the accompanying casing parts also." Hope this helps
  8. Morning Paul Well done matey 😁 Dave
  9. Morning Paul Welcome to the Forum Depends how deep your pockets are !! as your car is still under warranty it may be worth it to protect the service/warranty integrity it also depends what else is covered in the plan ? I just carried out a service (December) for a friend of my wife on a 420i 2018 Coupe, Cabin Filter Oil and Air Filter (all Bosch) plus 6 litres of Castrol Edge 5-30 oil cost £115 As I have ISTA/INPA I also ran a full diagnostic check and made sure tyres, brakes etc were in good order. Time wise it took a morning with plenty of Coffee and biscuits I am not a Garage just a home mechanic who enjoys working on our own cars. She brought me a rather nice bootle of whiskey as a thankyou Dave
  10. Morning William Welcome to the Forum BMW Main Dealers for many years have not "Repaired" anything they replace complete units then retain the failed part denying in many cases the aftermarket repairers any access to find a fix. By the way BMW are not alone there are many other Manufacturers operate in the same way. Try ringing a BMW parts dept and asking how much the unit is? Or use www.realoem.com for the Gearshift unit part number then Google for a price. The repair video's will give an idea of time to help guess at calculating workshop hours most Main Dealers are now in exceess of £200 p/hr Me personally if there are video's available I would have a go at replacing the spring if you can get one? If not either a second hand or complete unit swap Dave
  11. Morning Lee Welcome to the Forum If the car is starting on the key just not recognising the key for lock/unlock actions or are you using the App to start the car? If the battery has been dead for some time then your car may be seeing it as a "New" key which will need syncing or re-syncing. There are several "how too's" on the Internet have you tried syncing yet? Dave
  12. Sorry Greydog


    ignore my message



    just getting used to this platform 

  13. Anyone know how much an 18000 mile service should be on a 420i


    wondered if I should go for the BMW maintenance plan?

    they want to charge £935 for two services in the plan

  14. Morning Deborah Welcome to the Forum First with the correct tools drilling out a stuck/damaged/broken glow plug is fiddly but not that difficult and shouldn't crack the head. Next as the garage broke it should they not share the cost at least of correct repair ? A conversation to be had with the garage me thinks. Your car will start and run with out the No2 Glowplug as long as there isn't a compression leak. I have seen a 6 cylinder diesel that ran for a couple of years at least with only 1 Glowplug working. Where it gets a little complicated is with the type of journeys/driving you do. Your car has a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) which catches soot and many other bits that are generated by your engine. If the engine reaches a good high operating temperature such as a good run at motorway speeds (about an hour) the DPF can regenerate (burn off the soot and other bits) If thhe engine is used on short or low speed journeys (heavy traffic) then the cars brain uses the Glow Plugs to achieve high cylinder temperatures so it can regenerate the DPF. As you still have 3 out of 4 you may well not notice a difference. There is a Register of BMW Specialists you can Google and find one local to you I am sure. It sounds as though the owner of your local garage is more clued up than his team. Good Luck Hope this helps not confuses Dave
  15. Hi Albert Welcome to the Forum This is a UK based site so you may not get a response that is helpful Good Luck Dave
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