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Everything posted by Greeney2k1

  1. have a wander round the local scrappies theyl surely have one!
  2. prolly the beeper on its way out by the sounds of it
  3. oof thats quite a clunk..... not a clue sorry fella
  4. welcome fella try taking the battery off for half hour see if that resets ecu
  5. cheers peeps loosing weight was pretty hard work but as kate moss once got slated for...... "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" lol
  6. very nice, black cars are a nightmare to keep clean!
  7. beeest! lol man ur making me want another ricemobile! lol I WILL own an AE86 before I die lol
  8. Gym 2-3 times a week at least! I lost 3 stone about 6 months ago and ive put 1 back on so determined to keep it off and get fitter lol proof..... Before... After...
  9. Hi Geoff Lol its RWD theyre all terrible in the snow fella snow tyres will make little difference just wait until the snows cleared and youl be fine Welcome to the club
  10. I did mate CRX Del Sol siR Jap import in blue never had an original though. Yeah man Turbo + Vtec is aweeeesome! lol
  11. sounds good fella im sure youl have a good time......bit of a long way to go to only find out what the inside of a hotel room looks like ;) lol
  12. Were having a hooj party at my old flat with my old flatmates lol gonna be a good night i think
  13. welcome CRX turbo SWEEET lol bet that sung at 9.5k rpm! lol
  14. very nice! think were gonna go to a posh hotel in Venice ^_^
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