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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Haha when I get an idea I'm not happy until iv done it
  2. Iv done it guys... Iv colour code them (Titan silver) and they look sweet really glossy I'll upload some pics timorrow
  3. Double the !Removed! up then andy lol, yeh I'm coming to Santa pod
  4. Wiltshire and yeh it's near bath
  5. Hmm might give it ago, or maybe black reflective?
  6. Hmm might give it ago, or maybe black reflective?
  7. Welcome... Not sure rubbers are safe tbh heard they can do more damage than good! Not 100% sure tho
  8. I'll be up for that my birthday in July!!
  9. Would look nice but would it be to much on a BMW?
  10. Welcome along mate and the same as what the others said, stick around it's handy to know these guys they certainly know there stuff and have helped me out a number of times, remember to put pics up when you buy one and when you do buy one make sure you don't leave that garage without a full tank of fuel, that's what I did lol :)
  11. I need to re spray my alloy wheels and was thinking of spraying them the same colour as my BMW, what do you think?
  12. I don't no what's wrong with it but I do no it isn't your bottom end bearing
  13. First things first... Welcome along, and second thing have you got any pics of your Beemer? All I can suggest is advertise it in your local papers, put 'for sale' on the notice boards of local shops like tesco etc...., or maybe somewhere like piston heads? Iv bought my last 4 cars including my BMW from there.
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