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Everything posted by BigAl

  1. No one could do a worse job than they are doing at the moment. :D
  2. Have you tried your local library, they can order in one for you or try Ebay/Amazon, good luck with strip down.
  3. Did the Police report with crime No. etc help, that is disgusting
  4. If you need the car, is it possible to get a loan from Credit union, as offer the cheapest possible interest rates and are there to help you
  5. An auto electrician may be cheaper than a garage, hope someone can help you, no cheap mobile mechanics near you.
  6. Hi Sam, have you checked your electrics, I would at least regularly change the oil and check timing etc, costly if it goes wrong, hope you get your problem resolved.
  7. Welcome Steve, Car looks good, enjoy. :D
  8. Thanks Chris, look forward to meeting you. Regards Alan
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