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Everything posted by mart77

  1. if you want to advertise anything on this forum you have to become a paying member.it's only a fiver
  2. i might delete this.hahahaha
  3. sounds like he's advertising some website to me
  4. welcome mate.nice mask.lol
  5. i reckon i might be up for this.stick me on the list dave
  6. it was good mate.loads of nice e46 m3's.....there wasnt really very many stalls selling bits and bobs though.good weather too :P
  7. hope you will keep chipping in ;) :P :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. welcome spud.you'll find these forums very appealing. :D :lol: :lol:
  9. i put the rear screen heater on today and my wing mirrors heated like a mo fo.i've had my car for just over a year and only just realised i've got heated mirrors.looool. tool.com
  10. hahahaha.cheers gav......what makes me even more of a gimp is i just realised they were really hot because i parked in the sun.loooooooooool.i'll get my coat
  11. yes my bmw famalamars.me being the clueless bmw gimp just wanted to know.if you have heated wing mirrors where is the switch to turn em on and off? thank you please
  12. lots of people like to have a go at bmw drivers because they are jealous.i usually find the worst drivers on the road are the mothers with 4 kids in people carriers.if i was you mate i wouldnt take any notice.if you love driving your car then sod anyone else and their opinions
  13. me and gav were there.was a good day
  14. doh.oh well mate.you'll be at santa pod though eh?
  15. not good dave.is jas coming to this? wont he give you a lift?
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