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Posts posted by btmaldon

  1. This is the first repair job I have had to do on the car. Well I didn't have to do it but the seatbelt handover mechanism on the Coupe was getting on my nerves.

    It was a common case of the seatbelt slipping off the end. I tried the tape on the seatbelt and ironing starch into it (to the delight of my neighbours who were watching me).

    In the end it was obvious the spring wasn't working correctly on the extension arm so I replaced it with a new one from Coopers BMW.

    For those of you that are thinking of doing this it is really easy and you don't have to take the whole unit out. There is a video on Youtube in Spanish that shows you how to remove the end piece but the whole arm has been removed. It is however worth watching the video first:


    1. All you have to do is grab the arm, turn the ignition off and stop the arm from retracting. It pulls quite hard so a firm grip is required.
    2. Get out of the car and pull the extension arm as far as it goes. It releases for a few inches and then hits a stop.
    3. Look for the little piece of plastic on the extension arm that acts as a stop and remove this with a Stanley knife. The extension arm should pull out of the sleeve.
    4. Push the new extension arm into the sleeve.
    5. Get in the car close the door and turn the ignition on.
    6. Open and close the door a few times to check it is working correctly and your done.
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  2. Welcome Richard.

    I think a majority of people like to see some personalisation. From your photos I can see your mods are tasteful and for one, I like them. At the end of the day it is down to personal choice and I have seen some shockers in the past that would make you cry.

    I think the thing about nodding to fellow owners etc depends on where you live. There are loads of BM owners around my area, most of which are company cars, so its very unlikely. However when I have seen an older style M3 or M5 in the car park I have often had a good chat with the owner as I do with most classic car and unusual car owners.

    Enjoy the Beamer.

  3. me 2 lol....by the time I said about all my car the session would be over pmsl :)

    I know the feeling. Im on car number 50 odd. That plus around 10 bikes (not allowed one since I got married 20 odd years ago).

    When I first started driving in 1979 (goes to show how old I am) i used to buy a car for a few hundred pounds and change it every three months. Before I got married I had two cars (one main car and a project car) as well as a bike on the go. Marriage really does change things. Still I have my own car and the wifes car is always the one that I use to tinker with.

    Now the daughter has had a first driving lesson she wants one as well. Guess who will have to pay for it?

  4. Thanks guys,

    btmaldon I am from Wickford but I don't plan on spending much time in this town now I have the car ;-)

    I may well see you around then. I'm in South Woodham Ferrers. BMW must be the Essex Man's vehicle of choice

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