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Everything posted by Stevoc

  1. Much obliged to one and all for all the insightful and downright scientific replies regarding my fuel choice! Lol means I can now arm myself with the knowledge and put to right the "experts" who are telling this and that! Great site and very helpful members 😊
  2. Yeah that sounds a good call jim. Watched a few tv progs on the subject, ie fifth gear, and they found no substance to the claims made by the oil barons that the fancy stuff is better or gives you more bhp and the like. So yeah it's the"normal " stuff for me 👍
  3. Hi all , first post so be gentle! Just got my hands on my brill 528 msport 99 model. I've had various alleged experts tell me to put the super unleaded in or not for that matter! So if any input from the BMW family would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. Thank you mr. Beemer ( best username yet) lol hopefully plenty of good advice to be gleaned here. Cheers
  5. Yep just got it it on Sunday so once I get the polish onto it and do my wheels I'll be posting pics ASAP.
  6. Hi Amy, you got a fellow scot just joined from Cumbernauld not a million miles from Falkirk. I'll give you a flash when I spot you!
  7. I did a google search for an owners club, and here I am.
  8. Hi all, just purchased my second bmw after having a Vw for past 10 years and I glad I did. The best cars on the road It's a 1999 528 msport with 89 k and full service history so hopefully I've a good one!.
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