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Posts posted by pikey

  1. Has anyone ever bought a new reg for a vehicle before?

    I need to know if it effects the insurance at all (ie: costs etc), and how easy is it to do cuz i just been looking on dvla website and i think you need a degree to understand it all :huh:

    I fancied a plate with "M3" on, but wasn't sure if it was too much hastle! oh and another question is do you think it would be more sellable if i was to sell the car in the future? ta :D

  2. I would definitely do a service on it. If its not had 1 for so long its amazing how much difference it makes. But I wouldn't get rid of it unless you can do without a car, you don't know what you'll end up with if you get another car. If you sort the beemer out you know it shouldn't go wrong again, as long as you keep it up to date on servicing and maintenance. Good luck whatever bud.:)

  3. i was unsure whether to spend 9k on my bemmer, and the mrs actually pushed me to get it :blink: , think i got a good un', either that or shes thinking about finishing with me and taking it off me! :huh: :lol:

  4. hi my 320 is away to b repaired my womam thinks im mad spending loads on a 20 year car lol

    i suppose it depends on how much your talking about, but any woman would say that......i'd try a bribe to keep her quiet ;) :lol:

  5. hi, i wanted to know if anyone has ever changed the standard badges on their bmw. the reason for asking is i want to change mine for the black and white as opposed to the standard blue and white ones. i've just done a rough measurement of the front and rear badges and the front seams to be the standard 82mm but the rear seams to be smaller (aprox 73/74mm) does anyone know the true sizes? and are the centre caps the standard 68mm size on my wheels.

    sorry i know it's a bit of a rubbish question but i dont wanna order the wrong ones. i've been looking on amazon as i have £40 in vouchers to use there and thought i'd use it on my baby :D ;)

  6. ASC = Automatic Stability Control = Traction Control

    If the light flickers on/off it means (or is meant to mean) that one or both of the rear wheels are spinning or have no traction.It can also mean that you have the wrong wheel and tyre combo on the rear axle.If they are under sized for the axle the ASC unit thinks theyre spinning or have no traction so cuts the power to that wheel. Hope that helps :)

    thats as good an explanation as your gonna get. :) ;)

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  7. Well i've done it!

    I bought some chrome cleaner yesterday cuz i had some seriously dirty exhaust tips :angry: , been like it since i bought it about 3 weeks ago(ish), i thought it would be enough to do the job, but ooooohhhhh no! tried it yesterday and no joy, so today i thought i'd dig out my spark plug gap gauges and got to work with the .20mm one ;) then used the cleaner to finish it up. tadaaa! worked a treat. cleaned the whole car whilst i was at it :D

    not the best pics as it's done with my phone, but...



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