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Posts posted by Jas

  1. I drove my car in the snow last year and it was terrible - but that's not to say I didn't enjoy it! As my fellow Lutonian said, it isn't what you drive it's how you drive it.

    My traction control doesn't work, so it's stuck off but it didn't feel too twitchy - it felt the same as a FWD car on ice anyway.

    Ice is slippery - fact.

    Got my car's snow boots to help me too! Nice and skinny BMW Bottle Top wheels!

  2. Oh no mate! This guy was actually a proper sound bloke! Basically my Dad's on some premier account with his bank which means breakdowns are sorted on the road, or the car is transported to a garage that can sort it or is taken home. So when it was ME that broke down, I rang Dad to ask him to come and rescue me... the AA man came and clearly saw that I was the one behind the wheel of my car (the policy states that the account holder has to be driving) but he overlooked it and continued to assist me on the road side in the !Removed! rain!

    So when he reassuringly told me it was just some bolt which he claimed only costs pennies whilst advising me to get a proper fix on it a.s.a.p (he even said I could do it at home!) he sounded like a genuine bloke who just wanted to help us out!

    Hence why i respect his judgment and what not - kudos to the guy!

    Just a shame the garage was packed today so they couldn't even get my car on the ramps...

  3. Cheers Daz appreciate the sympathy but it's all fine mate no worries!

    Was scary as hell though... reading the report it said a 13mm bolt was used as a temporary fix, and I would normally give it a go myself but I don't wanna wreck anything under there! The garage I go to is usually very good even though they always complain how difficult it is to get my car on the ramps due to it's ride height!

    Andy - it just says the gear linkage bolt/nut on the report so I'm assuming it's just that?

  4. Hi guys, earlier today whilst driving home my car lost all it's gears...

    Driving along from 1st gear going into second...didn't exist, infact none of them did! The gear lever moved freely. So the AA man came and had a look and did a temporary fix, telling me that he'd put on an 8mm nut with an 8mm bolt on the other side. He said it was temporary as it wasn't the correct part and he couldn't get the gearbox mount off as the car was on the road side. He got the car going though for the journey home which was fine but obviously I'll have to get this done at a garage tomorrow.

    I've got a picture of what he'd given me... but what's it called? Gear linkage bolt?


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