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Posts posted by Greeney2k1

  1. no difference the car detects the flat tyre by wheel resistance....if one wheel is running harder than the others then the light will come on

    tbh run flats are not worth the money normal tyres will last longer and if you dont notice a flat tyre when getting into a car......youl certainly notice it when you start driving

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  2. Hey fella might be the final stage resistor that controls the fans, pipes may be warming up but without fans you wont feel the benefit.

    its quite a common fault

    so much so bmw changed the whole unit in its second generation


    pm me your email and ill send over a how to pdf

  3. honestly mileage shouldn't effect a beemer ive driven a few and theyve all felt as tight as one another

    Id check air flow sensors and exhaust the smallest errors there can cause massive issues

    I cleaned my MAF sensor the other day and the car is like new! such a different car!

    as for the rattling / clutch.... is anything loose under the car? could be the clutch bearings as you clutch is on its way out which may also explain the loss of power

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