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Posts posted by M2 NPE

  1. hmmm...interesting. For me personally I'm going to stick with the run flats purely because the one series has no spare wheel or space to put one. I have no issue with getting my hands dirty and quickly changing a wheel if I get a puncture but I don't want the inconvenience of sitting at the side of the road waiting for recovery because I have a puncture and no spare wheel. I've heard of the cans of stuff that re-inflate and seal a punctured tyres, but I've also been with someone where they've tried to use the stuff and the can just didn't go off or do anything!

  2. That's ridiculous. The police in this country are useless! I've had issues where the police say "they can't do anything" of course they can! There's cctv everywhere in this country! When I had a problem a few years back (scammed out our a few thousand on a car deal) they basically said it wasn't cost effective to continue. Yet they can stand there in a 30 zone all day with a speed gun wasting tax payers money. It really annoys me!

  3. Hi, new to the forum so I'm just scrolling through posts. Did you get your car back?! I recently bought a 123D and I love it but recently read that thieves are going for the 1 series because there is a blind spot that allows a thief to access the OBD port without setting off the alarm. With the right tech they can take your car without your keys and just simply reprogram a blank fob!

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