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Posts posted by G-Dog

  1. Hi

    Seeking a bit of assistance.

    After trouble shooting the alarm on my W Reg (2000) 2.0L BMW Z3 mysteriously going off randomly, I found that the well on the LHS of the boot had been full of water, submerging the Inclination sensor, causing it to corrode and no doubt trigger false alarms. I understand from trawling online information this is quite a common issue, with water ingress likely when the vehicle is parked facing uphill.

    Water damaged sensor removed and a 2nd hand replacement sensor ordered online, I've set about repairing the connector wiring that had corroded and seperated from the unit (see photo). I've bought a new connector and wires from the dealer, so cutting the old one off and connecting the new should have been straight forward........

    The problem is that there are 5 existing wires, 6 ports within the new connector, and 3 wires that have broken free so I don't know which port they should connect into.

    Has anyone got a photo of an intact connector? Also, 3 of the wires are black with a red stripe; are they interchangeable or do they need to be in specific ports (no doubt another issue if they do).


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