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Posts posted by T-Dawg

  1. Hi all, new here.

    Had a bad start to the day which ended up even worse, resulting in my poor 1 series going out action temporarily.

    On my way to work this morning one of my tyres blew out. I was driving along a dual carriage way when I went over a bolt that was lying in the road. I didn't see it until I got a few metres away from it and couldn't brake in time to avoid it. If I'd swerved left then I'd have hit the car in the next lane, if I'd swerved right, I'd have crashed into the central reservation.

    Somehow my front wheel managed to miss it but unfortunately my rear offside did not. I heard a massive bang/pop and knew the tyre had gone straight away. I couldn't get out to check it but fortunately I was only about half a mile away from work. It was making a god awful sound and I couldn't imagine what damage it had caused.

    Upon inspection there was a thick bolt embedded directly into the thread. Couldn't see any other damage. After getting over the initial shock of having to replace a runflat, several phone calls later I managed to source one at a cracking price. Nipped down after work to have it fitted and was faced with this when the wheel was taken off.....






    Yes, a !Removed! huge hole right in the alloy. Needless to say, I swore...... a lot.

    So now not only do I need a new tyre but a new wheel too. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've checked eBay and the likes, but is there anywhere else I could get one? Mint condition required.

    Have been advised against driving anywhere lengthy whilst it's like this, which is really inconvenient to me as I need to get to work. The car will be staying put until I get a new wheel, I'm not going to
    risk driving on it. Need to get a replacement ASAP.........

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