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Posts posted by ianb

  1. Hello,

    i have a 330d 2011 model with sunroof, which recently blew out whilst driving along the motorway.

    it sounded like a gun shot in the car..i looked up to see that the glass of the sunroof had exploded (sun visor was open at the time). when i managed to pull over i could clearly see that the glass had blown outwards not inwards (which i have pictures of). To cut a long story short, i took it to my local dealer and asked them to investigate which they then turned around and told me that the cause was a stone and therefore would not be a warranty repair. I refuse to believe this as there was no imediate traffic in front of me and 90% of the glass which had exploded wasnt in the car.

    Has anyone else experienced the same thing? or does anyone have any advice?


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