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Posts posted by Timbo

  1. Hello Road,

    The fixings can be quite pricey, I have seen them on ebay go for around the £250 mark, you can no longer get them from B.M.W directly, the hard tops can go for anything between £400-£600, there was a bloke in Scotland advertising to do the kit and fix it for a £1000!! but I didn't go down that road

    I have had this done myself, it is worth it if you can get it, as it does give you a bit of added protection in the Winter



  2. O.k guys, here is one for you lol, I have a BMW CD43 Business cd head unit, and a 6 c.d BMW changer, but the head unit does not recognise the changer, now searching for answers, as i have power to the changer but nothing else happens,

    ( I bought another one with the same result thinking I had a duffer!!)

    But somewhere along the way there seems to be an wiring upgrade to make them compatible, this i bus cable, it is classed as a "repair cable" p/n 61 13 6 902 124, this is for the Z3 roadster.

    The booklet with the head unit shows the changer with the correct part number so i know they are compatible, but am I missing anything else?


  3. Thanks guys!

    Question one is about paint chips, are there any threads on getting them to look as inconspicuous as poss? I've not really dabbled before!

    I have a line of quite deep (down to the black plastic) chips on the rear bumper, around 10 of them a couple of mm wide. Having only just bought the car I cant yet afford to take it to a bodyshop so a DIY job will have to see me through for a couple of months.

    Any help gratefully received!

    Well hello

    To be honest I have a mobile bloke who will be doing mine next month, going around it to re-spray both wing mirrors, and about half a dozen scratches, plus a couple of little scratches on the hard top, will set me back around about the £160 mark

    (I have the same colour Z3 as you have, slightly different wheels though lol)

    Silver is a funny colour to get right!!


  4. Hello mate

    Well am not too sure on the technical stuff mate, but most little odds and ends have found on "Ebay"

    I have been trying to track down more of the Asthetic stuff, like a "tonneau" and various little bits like that

    I have managed to find a "hard top" for it now as well which is a bonus which I got on a private sale.

    I also have a Z3 2.8 and they sure are fun to drive lol

    Take care


  5. Hello

    I was a little curious to see if I could find a B.M.W club, so tapped it in and up it came!!

    I have never had a "Beemer" before, but I always liked the "Z3" but was way out of my price range, I got left a little money in a will and decided to dip my toe into the market and see what I could find, I have ended up with a 2000 model, 2.8 litre version with a very low millage of just 40,000 miles!!, my wife has now got control of my other car a Ford Fusion!! lol,I have had a few little jobs to get seen to to get her back up to spec, but she is in good nick, and have had sooo much fun driving her about

    I am looking forward to getting next year, when the warmer weather returns to get the full benefit, but it will be used as my daily run around as I am a firm believer in using them for what the were designed for....driving!!

    Hope to get to know some of you, at some point!!

    Kind Regards


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