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Posts posted by Envyous

  1. Yes, I know that the sensors doesn’t cause my car to NOT start bc it was fine before the rain got into my fuse box, but after some water got into the fuse box it is now completely dead, and no signs of power next morning, which is today. 

    my windows wouldn’t roll down as well yesterday, before the car lost all of its power, when it had some juice left

    but best option now is to check the battery? 
    also how does the relay fuse look like? I tried looking all over the internet but still can’t find any idea where it is in the engine bay fuse box. 

    also should I jumpstart the car or just get a new/recharged battery?

    06 BMW 530i 

    thank you for the help

  2. So, I was having issues w my O2 Sensors, was popping up all codes (in attachments) 

    I replaced all 4 sensors with OEM new ones 

    Drove around for over 50-75 miles 

    I make sure to reset the light when I drive. 

    Light still comes on immediately turning off & on the engine the light still comes on. 

    so I went ahead and did more research and found out my O2 sensor FUSE was blown in the engine bay fuse box.

    While I was doing all of this, it was raining outside and my d***!Removed! left the lid open to the fuse box in the engine bay, NOW my car wont start but shows signs of power. 
    It just clicks.

    & I’m sure it’s not my battery because I start it up everyday hoping this check engine light goes off. Right when I find the possible solution to the check engine light,  I get f**** by the rain. Even last night it did turn it on. 
    Now I’m stressing on what to do now. I tried drying it w a hair dryer, it has only been 3-4 hours. I unplugged some of the fuses and relays for it to dry. 
    Now my next idea is to wait 24 hours.

    But if that doesn’t work can someone please tell me what I should be looking at. 





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