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Posts posted by Cjbno1

  1. Can anyone help me 

    I have a 2008 320 d that keeps overheating and I am now getting white smoke but my water pump is only 2 years old and thermostat housing is the same age so I can only assume the thermostat is the same age too. The electric pumps sounds like it kicks in (when I force start it) but no water is flowing into the expansion tank. Could this be the problem? 

    Thanks for reading 

  2. Please help

    I have an 08 plate and my front passenger door is shut but the actuator have given up the ghost.It has power and sounds like it's trying to work but it's a no go. How can I get it out while the door is closed? I can only find info on removing one while the door is open. Any help will be very much appreciated 

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