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Posts posted by Kingpedro1

  1. Hi, I am also looking into this, I have been told that it will bring significant strain to the engine which it can generally handle but it some case it could cause problem. I have the 143BH and I think I can remap it to 180bh but may go to 170bh because of this

  2. Hi all, picked up my first BMW yesterday which is a 2010 5 door 118D Sport and loving the driving aspect! However I have noticed a couple of annoying things missing:

    1) Being on the road allot I always have hot drinks on the go but there are no cup holders, can anybody recommend a 3rd party cup holder that installs well in the BMW?

    I found this one on Amazon (search: BMW 1 Series E81 E82 E87 E88 E90 Cupholder front) but it looks like it hangs off the centre console on the drivers side, being not very tall my seat is set forward so there is no room to install it.

    2) This is more of a general observation but it seriously lack compartments, nothing behind the front seats, no pull down armrest in the back or front, nothing above head height either.

    Apart from these two points I do love it and by no means regret purchasing the car, its just those little annoying things that don't need to be there in the first place.

    Any advice on products/solutions would be much appreciated.



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