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Posts posted by Ben_salvage

  1. Hi, new around here, have posted in the new by section to introduce myself, I'm Ben.

    Hopefully looking to get rid of my nightmare of an astra In the new year and trade up to a one series, I'm after some helpful advice on what to look for when buying used, any major issues? I would like the 120i m sport probably around 2009-2011 depending on budget Ofcourse at the time, do you guys recommend a model or any of which I should stay clear.

    Anyway like I said I'm open to any and all info.

    Regards ben

  2. Hi guys, new to the forum, just wanting to make a few contacts and hopefully make this a regular hangout, looking to buy a 1 series in the new year so will be wanting some advice on what to look for, but I'll start a new thread for that!

    That's all for now folks

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